
The Autumn They Share

The autumn leaf never fell for the wind, for it falls every day. Life has hardened it crisp and coarse and easy to crumble, but the wind sweeps it off its base to carry it away as autumn wind cradles the fragile leaf to together tumble, whole, without care, entwined in their fate, kissing the… Continue reading The Autumn They Share


31-Day Poem: Day Twenty-Eight

For Those Unworthy, Fate Has Deemed Out of a corner of my eye, catching a glance of an angel whose wings settle into another man’s strong arms, I have to be happy for her, for them both. I have to. I set myself up for this. Why do they all pass me? Why do they… Continue reading 31-Day Poem: Day Twenty-Eight


Black wHole

My tattered skin too worn to be angry. My splintered mind too arid to be sad. My weighted soul too heavy to emit light. My lowered, watery eyes too blurred for sight as every moment encircles a point of zest to never escape a crushing heart’s death. There is no savior. There is no fate… Continue reading Black wHole